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March 12, 2012
Many travelers ask me “do I NEED to get vaccinated in order to take a tour with Maniti Expeditions”. Well, the answer is no, we do not require that you present paperwork providing that you have been vaccinated, but it is recommend. I guess that would be the same this as asking “do I NEED to wear my seat-belt?” Nobody is going to force you to wear your seat belt (unless the police catch you). When traveling to a foreign country our bodies are exposed to many new and different diseases and illnesses that immune systems are not normally exposed to, therefore leaving us vulnerable. This is not to say that every traveler that comes to the Amazon is going to contract yellow fever or malaria, but for the small amount of money that it costs to get vaccinated I would say its worth the money. Again going back to my earlier point, would you go downhill skiing and risk breaking your leg without having health insurance? 9 times out of 10 you wont get hurt, but  there is always that chance.
Here is a little info about recommended vaccinations and medications for vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases travelers might be at risk for during your trip to the Amazon. Please contact Maniti Camp Expeditions for all of your Amazon Rainforest Holidays, Iquitos Jungle  Tours, Amazon River Cruises, and more!
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